Exercise can improve regions of your brain associated with cognitive function and positivity

Exercise has long been known to have various physical benefits, such as increased cardiovascular health, stronger muscles, and weight...

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Exercise can improve regions of your brain associated with cognitive function and positivity

How to fine-tune your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence or EQ is the ability to understand, identify, manage and effectively express emotions. It's a critical aspect of...

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How to fine-tune your Emotional Intelligence

How a team makes a better decision than an individual

When it comes to decision-making, there is often a debate about whether a team or an individual makes better decisions. While there are...

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How a team makes a better decision than an individual

How breathing through your nose will enhance your performance

Breathing is one of the most essential functions of our body. However, we often do it unconsciously and without giving it much thought....

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How breathing through your nose will enhance your performance

Mind over Matter

It can sometimes take a lot of willpower and effort to achieve a physical goal. Recent research shows you can get the mind to determine...

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Mind over Matter