Savouring is the act of stepping outside of an experience to review and appreciate it.
During this uncertain and challenging time, I think it is important you look for the positives and savour the special moments each day. In your ‘BC’ (before corona) normal busy daily life, you may have often failed to stay in the moment and really enjoy what you were experiencing. Many of us were habitually in too much of a rush. You may have been rather cynical and negative. Now is the chance to change that.
Being Positive

‘Savouring’ intensifies and lengthens the positive emotions that come with doing something you love. Positive emotions, lead to Positive feelings which leads to Postive behaviours. People like being with positive people.
So I am going to suggest that for the next seven days, try the Art of Savouring. Pick one positive experience each day and truly savour it for that day.
It could be a fantastic shower, a great walk outside in the sun, a delicious meal, or any other experience that you really enjoy.

Savour small, daily experiences,
Enjoy the little things in life;
Savour the moments.
In the end, the present is the only time we have.
Share your moment
To enhance the Savouring, even more, share it with another person. Think about how lucky you are to enjoy such an amazing moment.
Every night, make a note of what you savoured. When you do write things down at the end of the day, you will appreciate the moment even more.

Share your Positive moment
I am keen to build a profile of what you savour the most during this epidemic, while we are all stuck at home.
Click here and please leave the three positive moments you have savoured the most this week.
Or use the QR code to leave your moments.

I will publish the most popular moments.
Your contact details will not be seen by me or anybody else or taken by the survey when leaving your moments.
Thank you